August 22nd saw the second of our annual collaborative community skate jams with Creative Youth Network. Last year we supported the jam at Warmley Skatepark and this year we heading to Emersons Green.
We've got a long history with that place going all the way back to 2008, when South Glos council asked me to help Gordon Clapp and a group of young people raise some funds. They wanted to create a memorial skatepark for Jamie Clapp a young skater who tragically lost his life aged 13. I remember many a meeting in Gordons front room, filled with young kids, youth workers and council bods, all wanting to do their bit to help. Gordon raised most of the parks cost through The Peoples' Millions lottery grant and running car boots. Truly inspiring! We were thrilled Gordon could join us on the day and see the legacy of his son live on with so many happy skaters enjoying the park in the 15th anniversary year.
There was no better place for us to hold the jam this year, although there was, perhaps, a better day? We planned to kick the event off at 2pm with live DJ, BBQ, Graffiti art workshops and later a skate and scoot comp. But at exactly 2pm the heavens opened and soaked the lot! Taking shelter under the village of gazebos those brave enough to stay were rewarded with a dried out park at 3pm and things got quickly underway again!
First place in the girls comp went to Sydney who bagged herself a sweet new deck courtesy of Campus Skateparks! Not bad for her first ever comp! In the open comp 1st Tyler, 2nd Noah, and Eddie 3rd, collected yet more goodies with prizes from Campus, CYN, @MobiusMaples and friend of the boarding school @collabphotographic. 1st place in each comp also received a very special trophy sculpted and 3D printed by @twoby2_ (I'm very jealous)!
