We've had a few crazy busy few weeks at The Boarding School. We've been running a design-a-deck comp which finishes 18th Feb (more info here), We've launched a fundraising campaign (more info here), and over half term we've been to the South Glos Awards Night!
Each centre at the awards night were tasked with making their own table centre piece. Our volunteer rose to this challenge and created a new fingerboard park (the old one looks a bit battered now). This one is solid! Wood and concrete, with real metal coping!
We've also kept the tradition alive of sending a pancake over the kitchen light on pancake day!
Hopefully our next update will be mid/late March when we'll know the date for our big sponsored skate, Push For The Mind. As I write we are at 82% of our fundraising target, so we're hoping to smash that by the time Easter Holz roll round.
Fingers crossed we get the weather!